Frequently Asked Questions


  • Why should I register?

    रोजगार.भारत helps you find the right job matching your aspirations. Registering with रोजगार.भारत enables you to:


    • Access and apply in one-click to jobs
    • Get your CV viewed by recruiters who will contact you with un-advertised jobs
    • Get the best jobs delivered to your inbox
    • Apply to jobs from mobile
    • Keep track of what happens to your applications
    • Offer Freelancing Services through gig.
  • Does it cost to create a रोजगार.भारत profile?
    • For Candidates:-

    Creating a profile on रोजगार.भारत  is absolutely Free of Cost. Applying to jobs in Naukri is also Free of Cost.

    • For Employers:-

    Creating a profile on रोजगार.भारत  is absolutely Free of Cost, to Post upto 5 Vacencies use FREE plan but if you have more number of vacencies you can refer to plans in your रोजगार.भारत dashboard.

  • I can’t remember the password for my account. How can I login again?

    If you have forgotten the password of your account, you need to reset it. An email will be sent to your registered email address, which can be used to set a new password

    To reset your password:

    • Click on the Forgot Password? link on the Login Page.
    • Enter the e-mail address with which you created your profile. Click Go.
    • We send an email to your registered email address. In case you have not received the email, check the spam and junk folders of your inbox.
    • Click the link received on email to change password.
    • This takes you to a page where you can enter the new password for logging into your account.
  • As a fresher, how do I update my profile?

    If you are a fresh jobseeker looking for opportunities on रोजगार.भारत,  you can fill the following fields in this manner-

    • Current Designation: “Not Applicable”
    • Current Employer: “Not Applicable”
    • Work Experience: Select “Fresher instead of “Experienced”. You won’t have to choose the number of years of work experience in that case.
    • Industry: Choose the desired industry in which you wish to pursue your career in. Else, choose the option “Fresher/Trainee” from the drop-down if you do not know which specific industry you want to work in.
    • Functional Area: Please choose the value “Fresher/Trainee” from the drop-down
    • Resume Headline: This is usually the first thing that a recruiter notices about your profile. So make sure that it provides an overview of your profile and career preferences. For e.g. “BA Graduate looking for Sales role in Retail Industry”.